Welcome everyone to Burns Night! Grab a drink, grab a seat, and enjoy and evening of good food, good company, and good poetry.
What is Burns Night? Burns Night celebrates the life and legacy of Robert Burns, Scotland’s national poet. The first supper was held on the fifth anniversary of his death by Burns’ friends, but has since changed to happen on his birthday on January 25th.
Burns Suppers happen all over the world. A traditional supper will include haggis, whiskey, and recitations of poetry by Burns. Whether formal or informal, Burns Night is a celebration of Scottish culture and friendship.
For more information on Robert Burns, check out Robert Burns and All That, a fun and humorous collection of facts about the Scottish poet!

Robert Burns and All That
illustrated by Scoular Anderson
Through a carefully chosen selection of maps, the book traces the growth and development of Dublin from the early seventeenth century to the present day, offering a fascinating snap-shot of how the city has changed over time.